Aurora Tower Community Fellowship
(Organized 1963)
Location: 1800 S. Tower Rd., Aurora, CO 80013
Mail to: P.O. Box 472048, Aurora, CO 80047
Web site: www.towercommunity.church
Phone: 303-337-9100
Fax: 303-337-9101
Pastor – Ed Belzer (Lori)
Sunday 9:30 a.m.
Aurora Kingdom Rock Church
Location:1800 S. Tower Rd., Aurora, CO 80013
Email: tfalealili@yahoo.com
Pastor – Tony Falealili (Koini)
Service: 1:00 p.m.
Brighton Chapel Hill
(Organized 1940)
Location: 10 Chapel Hill Drive, Brighton, CO 80601
Website: brightonchapelhill.org
Email: nbblanchard1@gmail.com
Phone: 303-659-0745
Pastor: Nathan Blanchard (Elsa)
Services: Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Brush First
(Organized 1921)
Location: 26150 Hwy 34; Brush, CO 80723
Mail: P.O. Box 427; Brush, CO 80723
E-mail: brushnazarene@outlook.com
Phone: 970-768-6709
Pastor – Rick D. Davis (Sandy)
Services: Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Buena Vista High Country
(Organized 1992)
Location: 30275 North Hwy. 24; Buena Vista, CO 81211
Mail: P.O. Box 176
Website: www.highcountrychurch.org
Phone: 719-395-6730
Pastor – Ken Rose (Nancy)
Services: Sunday 9:30 a.m.
Calvary Church
Location: 15625 E. Iliff Avenue, Aurora, CO 80013
Email: Ldssas@icloud.com
Phone: 720-323-1615
Pastor – Hyun Soo Park (Alma)
Services: 12:30 pm
Castle Rock The Connection
(Organized 1988)
Location: 1300 N. Park Street, Castle Rock, CO80109
Website: www.connectionnaz.org
Phone: 303-660-9901
Co-Pastors – Chris & Cherie Reiter
Services: Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Cedaredge Church (Organized 1974)
Location: 966 SW 11th Ave., Cedaredge, CO 81413
Mail: P.O. Box 451
Phone: 970-527-3002
Pastor – Sherry Mitchem (Brian)
Services: Sunday 11:00 a.m.
Clarkville Buffalo Grass
(Organized 1979)
Location: l7 miles S. of Haxtun on Hwy. 59, Haxtun, CO 80731
Mail: 56961 Co. Rd. L, Haxtun, CO 80731
Email: jpshaw@plains.net
Phone: 970-774-6390
Pastor – Jonathan P. Shaw (Julie)
Services: Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m.
Colorado Springs Eastborough
(Organized 1959)
Location: 4123 E. Pikes Peak Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Website: www.eastnaz.com
E-mail: office@eastnaz.com
Phone: 719-596-1929
Senior Pastor – Rev. Jim Lynch (Zeida)
Services: Sunday 10:45 am
Colorado Springs First
(Organized 1912)
Location: 4120 E. Fountain Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80916
Web site: www.springsfirst.church
E-mail: Mhigley@springsfirst.church
Phone: 719-596-5119
Senior Pastor— Michael Higley (Robin)
Services: Sunday 9:00 am and 10:30 am
Colorado Springs Genesis
(Organized 1998)
Location – 1615 E. Cheyenne Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80905
Website: www.genesiscotn.org
E-mail: ghenderson20@q.com
Phone: 719-290-0038
Pastors – Gwendolyn Henderson
Services: Sunday 11:00 am
Colorado Springs Grace
(Organized 1997)
Location – 1615 E. Cheyenne Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80905
E-mail: : jrwarrington@nbc.edu
Phone: 719-473-7725
Pastor – Joe Warrington (Jackie)
Services: Sunday 10:30 am
Colorado Springs Kingdom Rock
(Organized 2015)
Meeting Location: 2120 King Street Colorado Springs, CO 80904
Mail: 5051 Sacred Feather Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80916
E-mail: KingdomRocknaz@gmail.com
Phone: 719-209-7601
Pastor – Ritchie Asuega (Bette)
Services: Sunday 10:30 am
Colorado Springs Trinity
(Organized 1952)
Location – 5055 El Camino Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Web site: www.cstrinity.org
E-mail: connections@trinitynazarene.net
Phone: 719-599-7990
Pastor – John D. Prichard II (jprichard@cstrinity.org) (Brenda)
Service: Sunday 10:30 am
ALSO: Colorado Springs Trinity Iglesia del Nazareno
Meeting Location: 5055 El Camino Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Email: msuyen@trinitynazarene.net
Phone: 719-663-1462
Pastor: Marvin Suyen (Cenida)
Colorado Springs True Life Community
(Organized 2005)
Meeting Location: 1857 Peterson Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80915
Mailing address: 1835 Winnebago Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80915
Website: www.truelifetoday.com
E-mail: keepjc1st@gmail.com
Phone: 719-271-6882
Pastor – Keith Morgan (Mona)
Services: Sunday 10:45 am
Colorado Springs True Life Community Downtown
(Organized 2024)
Location: 821 S Royer St., Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Email: reverendgarryd@gmail.com
Campus Pastor – Gary McGlinchy
Commerce City Iglesia del Nazareno
(Organized 2009)
Location: 6395 Monaco St. Commerce City, CO 80022
Email: elechaba@yahoo.com
Pastor – Eladio Chavez
Services: Sundays
(Organized 1951)
Location: 514 N. Chestnut St., Cortez, CO 81321
E-mail: corteznazarene@gmail.com
Website: www.corteznazarene.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CortezNazareneChurch
Phone: 970-565-7826
Pastor – JanElle Hoffman (Todd)
Services: Sunday 10:45 am
Delta Gunnison Valley
(Organized 1918)
Location: 1721 H Road, Delta, CO 81416
Website: www.gvcministries.com
E-mail: contact@gvcministries.com
Phone: 970-546-0185
Co-Pastors – Charlie & Barb Bechtold
Services: Sunday 9:30 am
Denver Bear Valley Fellowship
(Organized 1961)
Location: 2606 S. Sheridan Blvd., Denver, CO 80227
Mailing: P.O. Box 27303, Denver, CO 80227
Website: www.bvfellowship.org
Email: jserracino@gmail.com
Phone: 303-936-5105
Pastor – Jordan Serracino (Kristeen)
Services: Sunday 10:15 am
Denver Family
Location – 1501 S. Zuni, Denver, CO 80223
Web site: www.denverfamilychurch.org
Phone: 303-934-4350
Email: garcabner@gmail.com
Pastor – Abner Garcia (Lilliam)
Services: Sunday 10:30 am
Denver One Hope (formerly Denver First)
(Organized 1907)
Location – 5301 S. Federal Cir., Littleton, CO 80123
Office Hours – Monday-Thursday, 9:00am-4:00pm
Office Hours – Monday-Thursday, 9:00am-4:00pm
Mailing Address – P.O. Box 2980, Centennial, CO 80161
Web site: https://onehopenaz.church/
Email: jbrest@ohn.church
Phone: 303-761-8370
Pastor – Jason Brest (Rebecca)
Services: Sunday 10:30 am
Denver Grace & Life
(Organized 2002)
Location – 4201 W. Kentucky Ave., Denver, CO 80219
Website: https://graceandlifechurch.org/
Email: pastorcarranza@netscape.net
Phone: 303-936-5885
Pastor – Scott A. Carranza (Jackie)
Services: Sunday 12:15 pm
Denver Primera Iglesia Del Nazarene
(Organized 1972)
Dirección – 160 Irving St., Denver, CO 80219
Email: gildardoprieto@gmail.com
Pastor – Gildardo Prieto (Mariaeugena)
Service: Sunday 1:00 pm
Denver ThornCreek
(Organized 2005)
Location: 3853 E 120th Ave; Denver, CO 80233
Mail: P.O. Box 1282; Eastlake, CO 80614
Website: www.thorncreek.church
E-mail: info@thorncreek.church
Phone: 303-252-7111
Pastor – Ruben Villarreal (Grace)
Services: Saturday 6:00 p.m. and Sunday at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.
Durango Faith Community
(Organized 1930)
Location—1400 Hwy 172, Durango, CO 81303
Website: www.durangofaithcommunitychurch.org
Phone: 970-247-4975
Cell: 970.216.3991
Pastor – Rick Williams (Marcia)
Services: Sunday 10:00 am
Emmaus Road Church
(Organized 1926)
Location – 2101 S. Lemay Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80525
Website: www.theroadfc.org
Email: info@theroadfc.org
Phone: 970-482-6425
Pastor – Daniel Pape (Melissa)
Services: Sunday 10:00 am
Falcon Cornerstone Community
(Organized 2015)
Meeting Location – Falcon Middle School, 9755 Towner Ave., Peyton, CO 80831
Mailing Address: 6475 E. Blaney Rd., Peyton, CO 80831
Website: cornerstonechurchfalcon.org
Email: matthew.waggoner@icloud.com
Pastor – Matthew Waggoner (Alicia)
Services: Sunday 10:00 am
Florence Faith Journey
(Organized 1920)
Location: 416 W. 2nd St. Florence, CO 81226
Email: colleen.mcmordie@yahoo.com
Phone: 719-784-6724
Pastor: Colleen McMordie
Fort Morgan
(Organized 1929)
Location: 221 W. 7th Ave., Fort Morgan, CO 80701
E-mail: NazChurch@morgannazarene.org
Website: www.MorNaz.org
Phone: 970-867-3305
Pastor – Kent Davenport (Andrea)
Services: Sunday 10:45 am
(Organized 1924)
Location: 17455 W. 16th Ave., Golden, CO 80401
Mail: P.O. Box 18499, Golden, CO 80402
E-mail: sharipalmer1@gmail.com
Pastor – Shari Palmer (David)
Services: Sunday 10:30 am
Grand Junction First
(Organized 1918)
Location: 2802 Patterson Rd., Grand Junction, CO 81506
Website: www.gjnazarene.com
Email: office@gjnazarene.com
Phone: 970-245-3125
Pastor – Wayne Spencer (Jessi)
Services: Sunday 10:30 am
Greeley Celebration Pointe
(Organized 1955)
Location: 5586 W. 19th St., Suite 1000; Greeley, CO 80634
Website: www.cpc@cpcgc.org
E-mail: pastor@cpcgc.org
Phone: 970-330-7949
Pastor – Gary Haddix (Tammie)
Services: Sunday 10:30 am
Greeley First
(Organized 1907)
Location: 2515 W. 16th St.; Greeley, CO 80634
Website: www.greeleyfirst.com
E-mail: charleshayes5@gmail.com
Phone: 970-353-0944
Pastor – Charles Hayes (Kathy)
Services: Sunday 10:30 am
(Organized 1933)
Location: 28965 County Road S, Karval, CO 80823
Website: www.karvalnewday.org
Mail: P O Box 36, Karval CO 80823
E-mail: newdayinkarval@gmail.com
Phone: 719-446-5307
Pastor – Enola Leonard
Services: Sunday Worship is at 9:45 am
La Junta First
(Organized 1916)
Location: 1111 W. 10th St., La Junta, CO 81050
Website: www.lajuntanazarene.org
Phone: 719-384-4723
Pastor – Mark Callister (Charlotte)
Pastor Email: pastormarkcallister@gmail.com
Cell Phone: 816-516-7818
Services: Sunday 10:30 am
(Organized 1951)
Location: 1755 Dover St., Lakewood, CO 80215
Website: www.Lakewoodnaz.org
E-mail: bev.garmon@lakewoodnaz.org
Phone: 303-233-2075
Pastor – Brian Troxell (Sarah)
Services: Sunday 10:30 am
ALSO: Lakewood Iglesia del Nazareno
Meeting location: 1755 Dover St., Lakewood CO 80215
Website: www.lakewoodnaz.org
Phone: 720-335-8539
Pastor – Jorge Martinez (Ofelia)
Service: Sunday 12:30 pm
Lamar Crosswind
(Organized 1921)
Location: 507 S. 7th St., Lamar, CO 81052
Mail: P.O. Box 430
E-mail: lamarcrosswind@yahoo.com
Phone: 719-691-2333
Pastor – Roy Gueswel (Pat)
Services: Sunday 10:45 am
Las Animas First
(Organized 1930)
Location: 654 Vigil Ave., Las Animas, CO 81054
Mail: P. O. Box 403
E-mail: cmmckay2734@comcast.net
Phone: 719-600-8397
Pastor – Carlton McKay (Marilyn)
Services: Sunday 10:00 am
(Organized 1966)
Location: 2111 Mountain View Ave., Longmont, CO 80501
Web site: www.longmontnaz.org
E-mail: office@longmontnaz.org
Phone: 303-776-7066
Pastor – Lonnie Green (Christie)
Services: Sunday 10:30 am
(Organized 1924)
Location: 1020 S Lincoln Avenue, Loveland, CO 80537
Website: www.lovelandnaz.org
E-mail: office@lovelandnaz.org
Phone: 970-667-4323
Pastor – Brian Smith (Rhonda)
Services: Sunday 9:30 am
Monte Vista Valley
(Organized 1938)
Location: 228 Madison St., Monte Vista, CO 81144
Mail: P.O. Box 271
Website: www.valleynaz.com
E-mail: churchoffice@valleynaz.com
Phone: 719-852-5858
Pastor – Chris Yocom (Heather)
Services: Sunday 10:15 a.m.
Montrose First
(Organized 1917)
Location: 705 S. 12th St., Montrose, CO 81401
Website: www.montrosenazarenechurch.org
E-mail: mncfirst@gmail.com
Phone: 970-249-9213
Pastor – Benjamin “Buddy” Cook (Kim)
Services: Sunday 10:00 a.m.
(Organized 1920)
Location: 3595 Front St., Palisade, CO 81526
Mail: P.O. Box 327. Palisade, CO 81526
Phone: 970-464-7770
Pastor – Don Blanchard (Dorothy)
Services: Sunday 10:15 a.m.
(Organized 1921)
Location: 602 Third St., Paonia, CO 81428
Mail: P.O. Box 1706
Phone: 970-527-3002
Pastor – Sherry Mitchem (Brian)
Services: Sunday 6:00 p.m.
Pueblo First
(Organized 1922)
Location: 84 Stanford Ave., Pueblo, CO 81005
Website: www.PFCNazarene.org
E-mail: PastorJim@PFCNazarene.org
Phone: 719-564-3209
Pastor – James Murray (Deanna)
Services: Sunday 9:30 am and Sunday School at 11:00 am
Pueblo West Living Water Fellowship
(PAC 2018 – under Pueblo First)
Meeting Location: 198 S. Purcell Blvd. Suite #140; Pueblo West, Colorado, 81007
Website: www.pwlivingwaterfellowship.com
Email: Young1622@live.com
Phone: 303-332-6530
Pastor: Jim Young (Sue)
Services: Sunday 10:30 am
Saturday 6:30 pm
Rocky Ford
(Organized 1928)
Location: 709 S. 12th St., Rocky Ford, CO 81067
Mail: PO Box 709, Rocky Ford, CO 81067
E-mail: rfnazarene@hotmail.com
Phone: 719-468-4762
Interim Pastor – Paul Farrell (Dottie)
Services: Sunday 10:30 am
Security Life Community
(Organized 1962)
Location: 800 Hackberry Dr., Security, CO 80911
Website: www.lcc-cs.org
E-mail: SecNazChurch@gmail.com
Phone: 719-392-7091
Pastor – Curtis Hight (Jindy)
Services: Sunday 10:00 a.m.
(Organized 1929)
Location: 1600 Sidney, Sterling, CO 80751
Website: www.sterlingnazarene.org
E-mail: sterlingnaz1600@gmail.com
Phone: 970-522-2601
Pastor – Chris Rose (Kimberly)
Services: Sunday 9:00 am and 10:30 am
Thornton Hope Hacienda
(Organized 2014)
Meeting Location: Coronado Hills Elementary School, 8300 Downing Dr., Denver, CO 80229
Mailing: 9695 Orangewood Dr., Thornton, CO 80260
Website: www.hopehacienda.net
E-mail: mark.runner@hopehacienda.net
Phone: 720-341-1490
Pastor – Mark Runner (Debbi)
Services: Sunday 10:00 am
(Organized 1924)
Location: 733 Stonewall Avenue; Trinidad, CO 81082
Mail: 711 Park St., Trinidad, CO 81082
Email: pastorbeckymac@gmail.com
Phone: (719) 845-0383
Pastor – Rebecca MacLearn (Tony)
Services: Sunday 10:45 am
Westminster The Crossing
(Organized 1957)
Location: 3501 W. 104th Ave., Westminster, CO 80031
Web site: www.crossingchurch.org
Email: coltonbtownley@gmail.com
Phone: 303-469-5149
Pastor – Colton Townley (Jessica)
Services: Saturday 5:00 pm and Sunday 9:00 am and 11:00 am
Westminster Iglesia Del Nazareno
(Organized 2008)
Location: 3501 West 104th Ave., Westminster, CO 80031
E-mail: omar.gurrion@gmail.com
Phone: 303-619-2698
Pastor – Omar Gurrion (Lesvy)
Services: Sunday 2:00 pm
Woodland Park Church
(Organized 1975)
Location: 900 Evergreen Heights Drive; Woodland Park, CO 80866
Website: www.wlcchurch.com
E-mail: churchoffice@wpnaz.com
Phone: 719-789-7575
Pastor – Dale Butler (Michelle)
Services: Sunday 10:00 am
(Organized 1921)
Location: 410 Blake St., Wray, CO 80758
Wray Naz Community Center & Office
305 W. Second St., Wray, CO 80758
E-mail: wraynazarene@gmail.com
Phone: 970-332-5703
Website: www.wraynaz.com
Pastor – Ben Beckner (Jenny)
Services: Sunday 10:45 am
ALSO: Wray Iglesia del Nazareno
Location: 410 Blake St., Wray, CO 80758
Email: aldorcruz0582@gmail.com
Phone: 970-630-4175
Spanish Ministries Director: Aldor Cruz
Service: 9:00 am
Yuma First
(Organized 1917)
Location: 505 E. Beatty Ave., Yuma, CO 80759
E-mail: Office@Yuma1stnaz.org
Phone: 970-848-5594
Website: www.yuma1stnaz.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/yuma1naz
Pastor – David Martelle (Jamie)
Services: Sunday 10:30 am