From: Colorado District NMI President Sandy Ricicki
To: All Pastors and local NMI Presidents on the Colorado District
This is a short note to remind all Pastors and NMI Local Presidents on the Colorado District that your NMI reports need to be completed and turned in to the Colorado District NMI as soon as possible. If the church does not have a local NMI President, we would ask that the church pastor would complete these documents or assign someone to complete and send in these documents.
The fillable documents are below for downloading.
If you have any questions, please contact me (Sandy Ricicki) via Email
Please send these reports via e-mail to:
District NMI President Sandy Ricicki
Thank You and God bless
District NMI Officers and Council
Officer Information
President – Sandy Ricicki – colodistnmipres@gmail.com, 303-717-1449
Council Information
Children’s Ministry for Missions – Katie Tyler ktyler@crossingchurch.org

One of the important areas of impact for NMI is prayer.
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